About Brother Hyeok Ministries
Evangelist Hyeok Park has been sent
by God to the whole world with a special calling.
Everywhere he goes, supernatural miracles of God appear,
proving that God is with him.
Even though Evangelist Hyeok is young,
God is using him as a channel of healing, blessings, prophecy,
and miracles with a special anointing
and spiritual authority from above.
In addition, many souls are aligned with Jesus Christ
through the proclamation of the Word
and they are being used as young messengers in this era.
God is using him as a leader who has a powerful influence
on countless leaders, elders, the next generation, churches
and countries around the world.
Brother Hyeok Ministries is a ministry group
led by Evangelist Hyeok, who takes the gospel wherever
God sends him to experience the kingdom of God
and to glorify the name of Jesus Christ.
Email Inquiries
• General
• Invite Man of God Hyeok
• Donations and Partnership
• Prayer Request
Evangelist Hyeok Park using all the money
he earned while doing business,
has toured the world at his own expense,
and began Brother Hyeok ministries .
This ministry follows God’s word of:
“freely receive, freely give”,
and when you go to the actual ministry, you pay for the
church/region/. The ministry team is moving at its own expense
without any request from the state or those receiving ministry.
Your donation is used to make the Kingdom of God
more effective and free to reach more souls.
If you would like to become a regular sponsoring partner
who accompanies Evangelist Hyeok with heartfelt finances,
please follow the link below.